How should I clean my lens?

For non-contact lenses like BIO and Slit lamp lenses, we recommend rinsing the lens with cold to lukewarm water or using distilled water to remove particles and clean using a gentle soap (like Dawn or Fairy). The lens can be dried by using a lint free soft cotton cloth in a clockwise direction. Always work clockwise to avoid loosening the lens ring. Be careful that the water pressure is not too high, to avoid damaging the antireflective coating. DO NOT USE a microfiber cloth, as over time these tend to collect dirt and dust which can damage the antireflective coating on the lens! We always encourage you to follow the approved cleaning methods on the manufacturer's website to take proper care of your lenses and allow them to last you a long time. For lenses with a contact element like gonio or laser lenses, always follow the approved cleaning and care instructions included in the IFU (instructions for use) accompanying each lens.